Forty minutes drive from Ragusa or Noto lies the spectacular town of Modica.
Corso Umberto, with boutique stores, historic churches and beautiful squares, is the main street which passes through Modica Alta.
Modica is known as the ‘city of a hundred bells and a hundred churches’, among the main churches there is the impressive Duomo di San Giorgio. Famed for its 250 steps connecting upper and lower Modica, it provides outstanding views over the city.
Considered by many to be the most important historical building in Modica Bassa, Duomo di San Pietro ischaracterised by a eighteenth century style with a baroque style enriched by Rococò ornaments.
Modica is also custodian of a 400-year tradition of Sicilian chocolate-making. Modica chocolate is mainly made with cocoa and sugar mixed in a cold-working process. Such cold-working process keeps sugar crystals whole in the chocolate bar. This is why chocolate of Modica is different from many other chocolates made in the rest of the world.